6 essential questions you should ask when looking for a school to acquire a new training of competence. Clearly change the relationship status and keep your personal power!
6. Can you easily consult the detailed content of the program?
5. Do you have access to support all along your training?
4. You might have background knowledge, or transferable skills in the field you wish to train in. Does this school recognize your background… or does it ask you to do over courses you master already?
3. Can you freely choose the technique and the association you want, or is there an imposed or highly recommended technique or association?
2. Does this school issue an income tax receipt, so that you can deduct the tuition fees from your income, and possibly receive an income tax refund?
1. Is this school recognized by serious associations?
It is important to feel good in the school and aside the teachers you will train with. Don’t let anyone impose on you choices that don’t correspond your values. Phone and visit the different places before making your choice.
Ask us for a free phone or email consultation to evaluate your background and what you need to get certified: 514-924-6840, 450-512-7725, info@waterlifecenter.com.